About Mitsubishi Estate Hotels & Resorts

- About Mitsubishi Estate Hotels & Resorts

A life is like a jigsaw puzzle.
Gorgeous smiles, a fleeting happiness, a moment of relaxation, even a single tear:
all these irreplaceable pieces, add color to our beautiful lives.
“Every moment, a precious piece.” It is our wish.
Putting ourselves in guests’ and colleagues’ places,always being here with the “Adroitness” of hospitality,we offer moments, scenes, and experiences that bring happiness
while respecting the places and “Hospitality with the City” value that we treasure.
To that end, we aim to achieve “Every moment, a precious piece.” with you all.We will provide you with excitement to enjoy the city and a relaxing atmosphere.

A city forms, people come together,
living and working. A unique culture thus takes root,
fostering the unique appeal of each city.
We realize “Hospitality with the City” value that we treasure while respecting the places, believing the regions, and being loved by locals.
As a place of rest and relaxation for living locals,
and as a base for visitors for journey,
we offer our guests both the stimulation of the city
and the soothing peace of comfort.

Always learning and never being afraid of new challenges.
As professional hoteliers, putting ourselves in the other person’s place, working with colleagues,
We offer better service that will be a comfortable, relaxing fit for our guests,
with the “Adroitness” of hospitality.