Online Shop System Terms of Use

This page presents the Online Shop System Terms of Use for Group hotels of Mitsubishi Estate Hotels & Resorts Co., Ltd. Please read and agree tothese Terms of Use before using the online shop system.

Mitsubishi Estate Hotels & Resorts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), has established the following Terms of Use for customersusing the online shop system operated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "the System"). Please ensure you agree to these Terms of Usebefore using the System.

Article 1 Use of the System

1. Users are asked to observe the generally-accepted etiquette and technical rules applicable to Internet use.
2. Use of the System for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited, regardless of the reason.

Article 2 Measures to be taken against violations of the Terms of Use

Customers who engage in activities that the Company deems inappropriate, such as activities that may inconvenience or disadvantage third parties or activities that may interfere with the provision of services at the Company's Group hotels, will not be permitted to use the System or the Company's Group hotels.

Article 3 User system environment

The System requires that users have an appropriate system environment and suitable system settings. The Company assumes no responsibility for the results of System use or the incidental impacts of the same caused by users who do not satisfy these requirements. Furthermore, the Company shall not be held liable for the consequences of any failure of the System to operate properly due to causes beyond the Company's control, even if the user's environment and system settings satisfy the aforementioned requirements.

Article 4 Services provided by the System

You can use the services provided by the Group's hotels on the website operated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Website").

Article 5 Points of note for using the System

The services provided by the System are not superior to services provided outside the Website. Please note that some products may be sold out or not available for purchase for other reasons.

Article 6 Definition of System user

1. A "System user" is an individual who agrees to the Terms of Use and then purchases products from the Online Shop in accordance with the procedures set forth by the Company.
2. "User Information" refers to the information on the user's attributes disclosed by the user to the Company, the user's transaction history, etc.
3. These Terms of Use apply to all users and are to be observed both during and after the purchase process.  
4. By using the System to make a purchase, you are deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use.

Article 7 Disqualification of users and personal liability and indemnity obligations

The Company reserves the right to revoke a user's eligibility if the user makes a false declaration when applying for eligibility to use the System, fails to pay for online orders, or for any other reason that the Company deems inappropriate for a user.
1. In using the System, users will be responsible for their own actions, for any and all actions taken from their own e-mail accounts and for the results thereof, regardless of whether they have acted on their own or have been negligent. In the event that a user harms a third party through use of the System, the user shall settle the dispute with the third party at the user's own responsibility and expense, except in the case of negligence on the part of the Company.
2. If a user commits any of the following acts, the user shall be liable to compensate for damages incurred by the Company as a result of such acts.
(1) Making fraudulent use of his/her user ID and password
(2) Transmitting or inputting the information of a third party
(3) Interfering with the Company's business by accessing the Website and falsifying information, sending harmful computer programs to the Website, etc.
(4) Infringing on the intellectual property rights of products handled by the Company
(5) Using the Website for any purpose other than the customer's personal use without the Company's permission
(6) Committing any other acts that violate the laws and regulations in effect in Japan
(7) Committing any other act that violates these Terms of Use

Article 8 Purchase orders

To place a purchase order through this system, please enter all required data correctly in the purchase order form for the product(s) you wish to purchase.
Members of The Club may place orders for purchases at member prices on the System's members-only page by entering their membership number or e-mail address and password (certain products are not eligible for discounts or points).
Incomplete entry of data in the order form may invalidate the order.

Article 9 Acceptance of purchase orders

A purchase order placed using the System shall be considered accepted when an order confirmation is sent by e-mail.

Article 10 Cancellation/changes of purchase orders

Cancellation/changes of purchase orders placed through the System shall be permitted in accordance with the indications posted by each Group hotel based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions.
Please call the hotel or facility in question for details.

Article 11 Handling of user information

User information shall be handled in accordance with the Company's Privacy Policy. For details of the Privacy Policy, please click here.

Article 12 Prohibitions

The following acts are prohibited when using the Service.
1. Violating laws and regulations, these Terms of Use, points of note for using the Service, points of note for shopping with the Service, other terms and conditions, etc.
2. Undermining the rights, interests, credit, or reputation of the Company or any third party  
3. Engaging in any conduct that may adversely affect the mental or physical health of adolescents or otherwise offend public order and morals
4. Engaging in any conduct that may cause inconvenience or discomfort to other users or third parties
5. Entering false information  
6. Sending or uploading harmful computer programs, e-mails, etc.  
7. Fraudulently accessing the Company's servers or other computers
8. Lending or transferring your password to a third party, or sharing your password with a third party
9. Associating with antisocial forces  
10. Taking part in any other activities that the Company deems inappropriate

Article 13 Change to or suspension of System services

Changes may be made in the operation of the System or to the System itself without prior notice to customers when deemed necessary by the Company. Please be sure to check these Terms of Use each time you use the System. After any modification of the Terms of Use, only the newly modified Terms of Use shall be effective; previous versions of the Terms of Use shall become invalid.

Article 14 System interruption

The Company may temporarily suspend or terminate use of the System without prior notice to or approval of the customer in any of the following cases:
1. Maintenance or construction work is being performed on the System.  
2. The System is overloaded  
3. A natural disaster, incident, or other emergency has occurred or is likely to occur, hindering operation of the System.
4. The Company deems it necessary to temporarily suspend use of the System for reasons other than those listed above.

Article 15 Disclaimer

1. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users in connection with the Company's services, including but not limited to damages caused by System interruption, delay or discontinuation, loss of data, or unauthorized access to data due to communication line or computer failure.
2. The Company does not guarantee that e-mails and other content sent from the Company's web pages, servers, domains, etc., do not contain computer viruses or other harmful content.  
3. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of a user's violation of these Terms of Use, etc.  

Article 16 Changes to these Terms of Use

1. These Terms of Use constitute standard terms of contract under the Civil Code, and these Terms of Use shall only be modified in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code when it is in the general interest of customers or when there are reasonable grounds to require such modifications.
2. The Company may establish supplemental terms to these Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Terms of Use").
3. Any modification of these Terms of Use or establishment of Supplemental Terms of Use shall apply from the effective date specified at the time the details of the modified or established provisions are posted on the Company's designated website.  

Article 17 Applicable laws and regulations

The handling of the System shall be governed by the laws in effect in Japan.

Article 18 Governing law and court of jurisdiction

The Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance for any disputes arising in connection with these Terms of Use.

Article 19 Validity of these Terms of Use

These Terms of Use shall be effective as of June 30, 2021. The Company reserves the right to amend or modify these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice to customers due to changes in social and economic conditions or for any other reason.
