海のように爽やかなモダン空間で、あるいはテラス席で通りを眺めながら。 ブレイクエリアとして、ワークスペースとして、自分の時間をお過ごしください。 朝食やカフェ、バータイムのドリンクのほか、気軽に参加できるイベント�もお楽しみいただけます。
The port city of Kobe has a long history of Western sweets and bread introduced from Europe, and it also has a rich Black Tea culture. At CANVAS LOUNGE, we also offer drinks that give you a feel of the city of Kobe, such as ``Superb Honey Black Tea'' from Kobe's Black Tea specialty store ``Lakshmi'' and fruit tea that combines Black Tea with dried fruit.
CANVAS LOUNGE terrace seats
The space is perfect for chilling out at night. Sometimes slow, sometimes exciting. Have a fun time with craft beer, local Kobe specialties, and Nada sake.
CANVAS LOUNGE terrace seats
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Guest RoomROOMS

Comfort Double (18.6-21.1㎡)
Comfort Double (18.6-21.1㎡)
Comfort Double (18.6-21.1㎡)
Comfort double vanity and shower booth
Comfort double shower booth
Comfort double (18.6-21.1㎡) desk
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Facilities and ServicesFACILITIES

hotel entrance
Considering the environment, we have prepared a corner next to the front desk where you can choose only the necessary items for Amenities. Make your stay comfortable with Faicial Mask and lotion kits.
Gym for hotel guests only (free.) There is no rental of wear and shoes.
front desk and lobby
A Laundromat convenient for long-term stays. You can also check the usage status on the TV in your room. Detergent is added automatically, so there is no need to prepare it.
Rooms equipped with irons and ironing boards are available on each guest room floor.
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A breakfast buffet supervised by the executive chef of the Yokohama Royal Park Hotel, a 70-floor hotel in Yokohama.
We offer croissants, round breads, and fruit Danishes from the boulangerie “Bienvenue” in Mikage, Kobe.
A breakfast buffet supervised by the executive chef of the Yokohama Royal Park Hotel, a 70-floor hotel in Yokohama.
Curry supervised by the executive chef of Yokohama Royal Park Hotel, a 70-floor hotel in Yokohama
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Food & DrinkFOOD & DRINK

"Tea drip" where you can choose from 3 types of tea leaves and dried fruits to drip Black Tea. Discover your favorite combination of tea leaves and fruits.
Sake from Nada, Kobe
tea drip
Premium honey Black Tea from Kobe's Black Tea specialty store "Lakshmi"
Sake from Nada, Kobe
Guests can enjoy free Coffee at CANVAS LOUNGE
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Entrance art inspired by shimmering water
Art inspired by fish swimming in the sea
Art inspired by fish swimming in the sea
Art inspired by bubbles seen from underwater


Hotel appearance
Hotel appearance inspired by a sailing ship
Hotel appearance
Hotel appearance