Start your day with a refreshing breakfast

Breakfast is served buffet style in the CANVAS Lounge. Don't miss out on the local menu!
The bright and open lounge also offers terrace seating.

Business Hours
6:30-10:00 (Guests only)
Example of Breakfast Buffet Menu
ぼっかけ 牛すじとこんにゃくの甘辛煮 または但馬牛コロッケ/とくれんゼリー/パン/サラダ/スープ/スクランブルエッグ/ベーコン/ウインナー/ミートボール/カレー/粥(トッピング:青菜と小えび/青菜としらす/味付ききざみのり/粒あられ/クコの実/あさり佃煮/紫蘇わかめ/生姜佃煮等より)グラノーラ/チーズ/ヨーグルト/フルーツ/ドリンク各種
Seating Capacity
38 seats (Inside)/12 seats (Terrace)/8 seats (Private Room)
*All seats are non-smoking. The smoking space is on the same floor (1F).
Bokkake Beef Tendon and Konnyaku Sweet and Spicy Simmered

Bokkake with beef tendon
Sweet and spicy boiled konjac

A sweet and spicy stew of beef tendon and konnyaku that originated in Kobe and is affectionately known as "bokkake." This menu is served as part of the breakfast buffet. It embodies CANVAS concept of ``dying it to your favorite color and enjoying it,'' and can be enjoyed with your favorite ingredients such as curry and white rice.
*Croquettes and bokkake are offered every second day.


Familiar to Kobe people, commonly known as "Tokuren Jelly"

Familiar to Kobe locals,
Known as "Tokuren Jelly"

For those who grew up in the local Kobe, the jelly, which is said to be "nostalgic! I ate it at school lunch", is offered in a half-thawed state. Enjoy the unique texture and richness of 80% fruit juice, which is rare for jelly, and start the day feeling like a “Kobe kid” for a while.