RELEASEnews release

- News Release
【ザ ロイヤルパークホテル アイコニック 京都】ダイニング&カフェ「THE OIKE TERRACE」2025年2月1日(土)オープン ハーフブッフェと選べるパスタのランチ/パティスリーのスイーツも楽しめるカフェ
【ザ ロイヤルパークホテル アイコニック 京都】和のスイーツカクテル~コンセプトは「温故知新」。京菓子處 鼓月の和菓子を合わせたカクテルも展開~2024年10月16日(水)より提供開始
[The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto] Creating a new charm of Japan with “shochu cocktails that heal with aroma” A Japanese cocktail created in collaboration with Hamada Sake Brewery will be available from April 1, 2024 (Monday)
[The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto] Sleep measurement service to "discover a new you." Limited-time Accommodation Plan on sale that focuses on sleep quality from sleep to awakening
[The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto 1st Anniversary / The Royal Park Hotel Kyoto Shijo 5th Anniversary] "Flower Celebration Campaign"
[The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto] [1st Anniversary Opening Accommodation Plan] Includes Sadaharu Aoki Paris Fraisier and Sparkling Wine / On sale from Wednesday, April 5, 2023
[The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto] Michelin chef Shinji Harada will hold the first talk & lunch event at the Italian restaurant "Synchronia di Shinjiharada"! Talk about and taste “dishes that bring out the flavors of the ingredients”
[The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto] Discover room with diatom art motif now on sale For a limited time, use an air weave mattress pad that supports sleep
[The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto] “The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto” opens on April 1st, a “destination hotel” that is the purpose of your trip
[The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto] "Afternoon in the trunk" "Meditation event" "Half board plan by Michelin chef"-A new sense of stay at The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto