RELEASEnews release

- News Release
【ザ ロイヤルパークホテル アイコニック 名古屋】本と出会うための本屋「文喫 栄」利用可能 最大12時間のデイユースプラン販売 中部の魅力と本の魅力に出会う1day Trip
【ザ ロイヤルパークホテル アイコニック 名古屋】「THE 7th TERRACE」ホリデーシーズンを楽しむメニュー コースディナーを楽しむ宿泊プランも販売開始
【ザ ロイヤルパークホテル アイコニック名古屋】「THE TEA LOUNGE」秋の限定メニューが登場 24Fからの眺望と中部の設え空間で楽しむティータイム
【ザ ロイヤルパークホテル アイコニック 名古屋】「THE 7th TERRACE」初のDJイベントを開催-秋風が抜ける夜のテラスで音楽に浸るChill Time-
[The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Nagoya] "Chinese Restaurant Chunqiu" dinner-included Accommodation Plan on sale from July 1, 2024 A premium stay where you can enjoy the charm of the central region and Shanghai cuisine
[The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Nagoya] Opening on February 20th in the new Chunichi Building, a symbol of Sakae, Nagoya A space that embodies the concept of "Traveling, Tube."
[The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Nagoya] Announcement of scheduled opening date and acceptance of Reservations / Opening of "Sushi Ginza Onodera" also decided
[Royal Park Hotels] "The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Nagoya" to open in February 2024 / "Chinese Restaurant Shunju" to open as a signature restaurant -Aiming to become a hotel that represents the Chubu region together with the "Chunichi Building"-