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  • Royal Park Hotels Journal (The Royal Park Hotel Tokyo Haneda)
The Royal Park Hotel Tokyo Haneda

Turn anything into fun.
4 days of staff working at an airport hotel

The Royal Park Hotel Tokyo Haneda /Manager Azusa Kuroki

People taking off early in the morning, people arriving late at night on the last flight... It may be surprising to know that there is a hotel in a corner of Haneda Airport's Terminal 3, where many different languages are spoken.
At the airport hotel, where people of different nationalities, destinations, and length of stay can relax, there are staff members working hard to provide them with a moment of relaxation. This time, we will be following the work of Azusa Kuroki, manager of The Royal Park Hotel Tokyo Haneda who has been with the hotel since it opened. We will unravel the thoughts of the staff working hard at the airport, an "extraordinary place within the ordinary."


Routine preparation,daily changing atmosphere

Tokyo Haneda check-in peaks at night

This is Haneda Airport's Terminal 3, the gateway to Japan.
The Royal Park Hotel Tokyo Haneda is connected to the departure lobby on the third floor, bustling with people carrying suitcases and filled with the constant sound of announcements in both Japanese and English. Manager Kuroki has been with the hotel since it opened in 2014.

``When an emergency situation occurs, I get a little nervous, but as a person in charge, I always try to stay calm.I don't get nervous or panic anymore.'' When she says this, the gentleness and dependability of a veteran exudes in her tone.

This is my first night shift in a while. ``Working here, I get to learn about the cultures of many different countries. We sometimes receive local souvenirs from overseas customers,'' he said quietly as he prepared himself with practiced ease. Tie the scarf last. Well, what kind of event is waiting for us tonight?
Even though it was already past 9pm, there was no sign of calm at the front desk. When I asked if it was always so crowded, he said, ``Unlike regular hotels, the later the time at Tokyo Haneda, the busier the front desk gets.If there are only about 20 check-ins left at 24:00, it's small.'' Manager Kuroki said, "In addition to communicating in English, when a language other than English is needed, he enjoys communicating through gestures and written communication in kanji." Even in the midst of all this, he never forgets to keep a close eye on his staff and customers.

Due to its location next to the airport, 60% of guests are foreigners.

Manager Kuroki is known for his attention to detail, and when asked, he said that his previous job was as a hotel staff member. "Originally, I wanted to work for an airline company... But my dream didn't come true, so I decided to pursue a career in the hotel industry because I like interacting with people. I previously worked at a hotel in the city center, but at Haneda Airport I happened to see that a hotel was being built in the city, and I jumped at the chance to work at an airport while making use of my previous experience.''

A clock that I have been using since the company opened. I purchased a watch with a second hand because I thought it would be needed in emergency situations such as lifesaving measures.

Tokyo Haneda is always in a race against time, having to quickly check not only flight information but also the number of customers who will need to stay overnight due to flight cancellations in the event of bad weather. At a hotel attached to an airport, which is greatly affected by flight conditions, ``I have to think a lot, so my mind gets more tired than my body,'' says the staff, despite the elegant space, their minds are running at full speed. ``Even on a peaceful day like today without any major events, there is always a sense of tension behind the hotel.''
Reaffirming the meaning of working at Japan's gateway
Mornings at the hotel attached to the airport are particularly hectic. In response to requests from people who had checked out to leave their luggage at the front desk until departure, we carried suitcases, snowboards, bicycles, and all sorts of other belongings into the backyard.
  • During busy periods, the lobby may be overflowing with luggage.
On this day, manager Kuroki took over from the night shift staff and immediately went to checkout. ``Before we opened, we assumed that we would leave after checking out, so we thought there wouldn't be a lot of luggage storage, but when we opened the door...'' Even as he said, the amount of luggage storage increased in the blink of an eye. Because she has been involved in the field since the hotel opened, she knows that sometimes the form the hotel envisions and the form the customer desires are different.

A premium comfort Single with a compact size of 15 square meters, but with more than enough specifications to be used as a “transit point”.

“What is important to you when working at a hotel?”

When asked this question: ``It was my third year at the company, and a Western person came to check in, so I casually responded in English, and he said, ``Why are you speaking in English?I live in Japan.'' , you judged me based on the color of my eyes and skin.'' I was unconsciously judging people based on their appearance, and sometimes I was unconsciously hurting others... "and. This incident is something he still remembers.

What exactly happened to the customer who kindly but harshly said to me, ``You're working at the gateway to Japan?''... When I asked them what happened after that, I heard that they were using it more often than I expected. Although there are times when he receives harsh criticism and painful experiences that make him reconsider himself, ``I still enjoy my work.'' That's why I want my juniors to learn the joy of work that is expanded by having a variety of options, rather than just following a manual.

``If you're really having trouble, I'll help you, but if I tell you how to do it, my juniors won't develop, and I don't think they'll be able to enjoy the customer service that they want to do.I want them to work freely, so I just watch over them.'' "It's like I'm nurturing someone," he says, and when his juniors ask him for advice, he doesn't tell them the answer. Her mother's soft smile overflowed.

When a junior colleague consults with me, I say that I would like to "watch over them" and give them hints rather than just teaching them according to the manual.


It's like a foreign country. Japan's onlytransit hotel

Pass through the door and enjoy a moment of hospitality before departing.
On this day, I was working at Japan's only transit hotel in the departure area. Yes, Tokyo Haneda has another face.
This is the departure area where passports and security checks are normally required. In order to work there, you have to go through a security check just like any other passenger, and even staff like Manager Kuroki, who has been with the company for nearly 10 years, are nervous when they go through the security check.

The Royal Park Hotel Tokyo Haneda Transit, located in the glamorous departure area lined with duty-free shops

``In the refreshment room, which can be used by the hour, some people take a quick shower before leaving, so the time spent at this hotel is condensed.'' . However, whether or not you have this few hours of rest is a huge factor in your journey. ``Some people have been given accommodation in transit areas as a gift for their elderly parents.Just the journey from home to the airport can be tiring,'' she says, adding that having some time to relax before a busy journey is a must. It's hard to replace.

The transit hotel has 17 rooms. The design is different from the guest rooms on the departure lobby side, with Japanese-inspired paintings displayed on the walls.

  • The refreshment room is available 24 hours a day, where you can have some private time to sweat and pack.
  • Lounge equipped with free drinks that can be used even when staying in the refresh room
One of my jobs at a transit hotel is to turn the spare time during a trip into memories. ``I can't sleep because of jet lag...'' I sometimes talk to customers who randomly come to the front desk late at night.They talk about their family, the perfume they wear, and other trivial things. Of course.”
The intense yet quiet conversations at the transit hotel are sure to be a soothing experience for overseas travelers.

Small talk with overseas customers also helps me practice English conversation.

Layover⁉︎Site suddenly becomes hectic
Manager Kuroki was also working at the transit hotel on this day. "At a transit hotel with a small number of rooms, you basically have to work alone. If you can handle everything by yourself here, you won't have to worry about anything anymore." Laughing, she finished checking in and headed to the backyard. During this free time, he efficiently performs office work such as arranging rooms for the next day.
  • Frequently check the occupancy status of guest rooms, including whether cleaning has been completed.

Meanwhile, the light on the phone lights up. Manager Kuroki immediately headed from the backyard to the front desk and looked at the flight schedule.
When I asked her, ``What's going on?'' she said, ``It's a layover (a major delay or cancellation due to some kind of problem),'' and her face became a little grim.

Among transit hotels that are greatly affected by flight conditions, layovers due to weather or equipment problems are particularly hectic. In addition to a sudden influx of customers following directions from airlines, the front desk quickly becomes crowded as pilots and other airline staff also seek rest. I have to deal with it alone... Even for veterans, the hardest part is dealing with layovers.

Based on our many years of experience, we can read the airport situation just by making a sudden phone call and flight schedule.

Hotels that are attached to airports require even more tact, and I think the hardships outweigh the fun.
When I asked her this question at the transit hotel, where she had regained her composure, she gave me a typical positive answer.
"There are times when I'm feeling down, but it's only at those times that wonderful communication with customers emerges. When I receive gratitude, it makes me want to work a little harder."


Haneda's current statefrom its opening to the coronavirus pandemic

"Good job building it here."
"I'm really grateful that it's close to the boarding gate."
These are words he often heard when he opened his business, but several years later, the coronavirus pandemic hit. After seeing a deserted airport that no one has ever seen before, life is finally returning to normal.

There are motifs of air travel throughout the facility, including a hallway modeled after a runway. Part of the fun is looking for the scattered art.

``Many foreigners come to Japan in the winter for winter sports, and I felt that people were returning to the hotel when we started having more snowboards in the baggage storage area.'' It's because I've walked the path. It is possible to understand the current situation after the coronavirus pandemic just by looking at customer requests and packages.
"I've always admired dignified women who look good in high heels."
As she speaks, her demeanor oozes dignified beauty and a sense of security. It's been 10 years since I realized my dream of working at an airport. He is now in a position where even his juniors rely on him, and he is watching the future of Tokyo Haneda from a broad perspective.
``We have a hotel in a convenient location near the airport, so we would like many people to use it, but public awareness is still low.We will make sure that Royal Park's name becomes the first choice when choosing a place to stay. For this reason, I would be happy if Japanese customers would spread the word about Tokyo Haneda overseas."

I wonder what the weather will be like today.
I wonder what will happen next.

Because the airport is located in a stressful area, there are many things to check in parallel with work. The atmosphere changes rapidly. However, the combination of "airport and hotel" must be the calling of Manager Kuroki, who truly enjoys interacting with people from all over the world.

A hotel gate directly connected to the departure lobby of Terminal 3. 30 seconds walk to the baggage check area

At the front desk, each person uses their own knowledge to guide customers to recommended sightseeing spots. Even today, she calmly watches over the situation.
``Even if the customer is happy today, it doesn't necessarily mean that the next customer will be happy.I struggle every day because I don't have an answer, but that's why when the hotel staff is completely satisfied with the customer's request, I feel it's rewarding to work as a staff member. When you have a lot of options, you can enjoy your work more. This is something I want all of my junior staff to know."

Tokyo Haneda is a place where people from various countries come and go, and where unexpected events sometimes happen. What emerged from Manager Kuroki's four days working there was the spirit of a hotel staff member who never forgets to have fun no matter what.

  • This article and images are current as of October 2023.

The Royal Park Hotel Tokyo Haneda
