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Train fans unite! A train room that will make railway lovers “hot” is now on sale!

We are selling an Accommodation Plan where you can fully enjoy the "Kyoto Railway Museum", which is popular with families in the same Umekoji area, about a 2-minute walk from the hotel. When you enter the room, you will see a large panel with popular trains such as the 500 series, Doctor Yellow, and N700 series, rows of model trains, and Shinkansen-shaped body pillows. decorated.

In addition to preparing a game machine "GO! PLUG & PLAY on the train" that adults can enjoy, we will give children happy railway goods according to the number of correct answers in the quiz rally set up in the room. Of course, the admission ticket to the Kyoto Railway Museum is also included, so you can enjoy your "railway trip" even more. In addition, at Restaurant "Umegoromo" on the first floor of the hotel, Shinkansen plates are available for children upon request, and you can enjoy the breakfast buffet.
Why don't you replenish your child's "iron" at the hotel and the railway museum?
スーペリアツインルーム(27.5㎡) 2名様利用:23,700円~/3名様利用:30,450円~
コーナーデラックスツイン(37.4㎡) 2名様利用:38,700円~/3名様利用:45,450円~
・電車の運転席を再現したマスター・コントローラー搭載のゲーム機「電車でGO! PLUG & PLAY」をご用意
Plan details |
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You too can become the train driver you've always dreamed of! The Royal Park Hotel Kyoto Umekoji is currently selling a train room Accommodation Plan that includes a train simulator experience, a popular attraction at the Kyoto Railway Museum, located just a two-minute walk from the hotel, exclusively for guests staying at the hotel.
We have prepared a plan that allows you to fully enjoy trains, where you can experience the popular "driving simulator" at the Kyoto Railway Museum, where you can experience driving a real train, without having to enter a lottery, and you can also stay in a railway room at the hotel.
Plan details |
<部屋タイプ・料金> スーペリアツインルーム(27.5㎡) 2名様利用:23,700円~/3名様利用:30,450円~ コーナーデラックスツイン(37.4㎡) 2名様利用:38,700円~/3名様利用:45,450円~ ※料金は1室あたり、サービス料・消費税・宿泊税を含んだ料金です <運転シミュレータ特典内容> ◆指定日時:宿泊日翌日 11:30(10分前までに京都鉄道博物館にお越し下さい、遅れた場合はご体験頂けませんのでご注意下さい) ◆体験人数:2名(3名様ご1室の宿泊でも2名様までのご体験となります) ◆体験時間:1回約10分 ◆運転シミュレータの種類(新幹線・在来線)は、ご希望に添えない場合がございます。 <宿泊プランに含まれるもの> ◆京都鉄道博物館での運転シミュレータ利用確約 ◆鉄道ルーム宿泊 ヘッドボードは鉄道の写真、クッションやベッドスローまで鉄道。 窓の外にJR嵯峨野線の電車がゴトンゴトンと行き交うお部屋の中で、電車でGO!も楽しめます。 ◆朝食 1階「梅ごろも」 和洋ブッフェ 6:30~10:00 ※添い寝のお子様(小学生まで)は、朝食代金無料でお召し上がりいただけます。 ※提供メニューや営業時間は変更となる可能性もございます。 ◆京都鉄道博物館入館券 ◆ARアプリを使ったクイズラリーの正解数により、鉄道グッズをお渡し |